992 Results
Climate Change and Mental Health Connections
Learn about the connection between climate change and mental health
Integrated Behavioral Healthcare
Integrated behavioral health is an evolving way of organizing the care people receive when they go to a primary care clinic. When you are in an integrated behavioral health clinic, you should expect to address common medical problems and also talk about common psychiatric, behavioral, and social problems. When these areas of your health are understood and addressed together, you have a better chance of being healthy.
Resident Leadership Opportunities
Learn about the nationally elected leadership positions for APA resident-fellow members.
APA Pledges Continued Support for Affordable Care Act on its 10th Anniversary
Ten years ago today, President Barack Obama signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) into law. In addition to its main objective of expanding health insurance coverage to 30 million Americans, the reform package also included a number of elements related to psychiatric care, which have ultimately increased access to treatment for people with serious mental illness and substance use disorder.
¿Qué son los trastornos de ansiedad?
La ansiedad es una reacción normal al estrés. Algunos niveles de ansiedad pueden ofrecer beneficios en algunas situaciones. Nos pueden alertar ante peligros, y nos ayudan a prepararnos y prestar atención. Los trastornos de ansiedad difieren de las sensaciones normales de nerviosismo o ansiedad, e incluyen el miedo o la ansiedad en exceso. Los trastornos de ansiedad son los más comunes de los trastornos mentales. Afectan a casi el 30 % de los adultos en algún momento de sus vidas. Sin embargo, lo
American Psychiatric Association Releases New Educational Resources on Maternal Mental Health
Annually, one in five childbearing persons in the United States experience a mental health or substance use disorder before, during, or after pregnancy .1-3 To ensure psychiatrists and mental health clinicians are best positioned to respond to this need, the American Psychiatric Association (APA), with support of the CDC Foundation, has released a series of educational materials for addressing perinatal mental health in its Psychiatric Toolkit. The toolkit includes eight fact sheets for clinicia
Medical Treatment and Surgical Interventions
Learn more about Medical Treatment and Surgical Interventions at psychiatry.org
Trastorno por consumo de alcohol
El trastorno por consumo de alcohol (AUD por sus siglas en inglés) se produce cuando el consumo frecuente o excesivo de alcohol se vuelve difícil de controlar y provoca problemas en las relaciones, el trabajo, la escuela, la familia u otras áreas. AUD es común y, con frecuencia, no se trata. Existen tratamientos que funcionan, como medicamentos, terapias, y grupos de apoyo o autoayuda.
Undocumented Immigrants
Learn more about treating undocumented patients experiencing stress and trauma related to changing political and social environments.
Brain Imaging Shows the Impacts of Psychotherapy
Psychotherapy, or talk therapy, is an effective treatment for many mental health disorders. Advances in brain imaging are increasingly allowing researchers to observe the changes in the brain resulting from psychotherapy treatment.