2022 Mental Health Equity Ambassadors

The American Psychiatric Association’s Division of Diversity and Health Equity is thankful and appreciative for our 2022 APA Mental Health Equity Ambassadors. Ambassadors volunteer their time to advocate for APA diversity and mental health equity programs, initiatives and policies. They help APA increase visibility for these topics for these topics both internally and externally and provide input and feedback for the planning of new activities, initiatives and programs that address mental health inequities.

2022 Roster
- Anita Abure
- Samoon Ahmad
- Arafat Aldujalli
- Travis Amengual
- Michael Arambula
- Dia Arpon
- Jedd Audry
- Anil Bachu
- Debra Barnett
- Tiffani Bell Washington
- Richa Bhatia
- H.K. Blaisdell-Brennan
- Jenny Boyer
- Brennin Brown
- Vivian Campbell
- Ruby Castilla
- Hector Colon-Rivera
- Aniruddha Deka
- Allen Dsouza
- Kenneth Po-Lun Fung
- Ijeoma Ijeaku
- Danielle Jackson
- Vu Le
- Nubia Lluberes
- Francis Lu
- Yolanda Malone-Gilbert
- Akeen Marsh
- Raman Marwaha
- Brandon Newsome
- Kristine Norris
- Priyanka Patel
- Omar Farookh Pinjari
- Kamalika Roy
- Eduardo Rueda Vasquez
- Geetanjali Sahu
- Donald Simpson
- Junji Takeshita
- Anthony W. Termine
- Michael Tom
- Rodgers Wilson
- Rochelle Woods
- Yee Xiong