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Membership Committee

The Membership Committee has principal responsibility for membership recruitment and retention activities and reports to the Board.

  • Within the Membership Committee, there are several ad hoc work groups to carry out specific assignments (e.g., member benefits, recruitment, Fellowship).
  • Recommend plans, procedures, and policies related to membership matters to the Board.
  • Identify and develop strategic plans and materials for membership recruitment and retention; monitor implementation of such plans; evaluate the outcomes.
  • Work with district branches on membership programs and activities of mutual interest and benefit.
  • Review proposed new APA benefits and affinity programs or other initiatives to determine their appropriateness for the APA membership: Review and evaluate existing programs; make recommendations for implementation to the Board. (6) Apply the criteria for membership contained in the Bylaws and the Operations Manual.
  • Receive applications for any class of membership or for advancement or transfer from one class of membership to another where no district branch exists.
  • Receive nominations for Fellows, Distinguished Fellows and Honorary Fellows and recommend actions to the Board.
  • Receive applications for International Membership and International Distinguished Fellowship and recommend actions to the Board.
  • Review list of members whose dues are in arrears and recommend appropriate actions to the Board.
  • Periodically review the criteria for membership categories and propose changes, as appropriate, to the Board.
  • Monitor the dues structure for the APA and recommend changes as appropriate to the Board.
  • Carry out other actions, as needed, in the interest of the membership and the organization.

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