Each month, APA members have free access to an on-demand CME course on a popular topic.*
Members Course of the Month
Current and Future Treatment of Depression: Glass Half Full or Half Empty?
Explore evidence-based strategies for treating major depression beyond monotherapy. This course covers data on switching or augmenting treatments, from T3 and lithium to TMS and ECT, plus new therapies like psilocybin and advanced neuromodulation. Gain insights into treatment algorithms that address the complex challenge of depression remission.
From the Battlefield to Home Base: Traumatic Brain Injury Advances in Active-Duty Military to Veteran Healthcare
Since 2000, over 458,000 service members have sustained traumatic brain injuries, many experiencing long-term effects. This course explores TBI’s diagnostic challenges, co-occurring conditions, and evidence-based treatments. Experts share insights from interdisciplinary models and recent research advances to help improve outcomes for affected individuals.
Past Members Course of the Month
*Each Members Course of the Month will be available free to members for the duration of the applicable month. The course will continue to be available for a fee after the month expires.