Resident-Fellow Members are physicians who have been accepted into a psychiatric residency training program that is approved by the ACGME, RCPS(C), or AOA and remain enrolled therein. Residents enrolled in a one-year primary care training program to be followed by an approved psychiatric residency are eligible for Resident-Fellow Member status.
APA and District Branches (DBs) have a dual membership requirement. DBs resident-fellow dues range from $0-$100. View DBs dues information.
Benefits and Services
Publications & Journals
- Free subscriptions to American Journal of Psychiatry and Psychiatric News, with articles on cutting-edge research and updating you on developments through the field ($362 value)
- Free online subscription to American Journal of Psychotherapy, APA's peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal published quarterly ($255 value)
- Free online subscription to Psychiatric Services, APA's monthly journal focusing on the delivery of behavioral health services in organized systems ($107 value)
- Discount subscription to Focus: The Journal of Lifelong Learning in Psychiatry ($249 value)
- A 25% discount to over 700 books and special member pricing for journals and subscriptions through APA Publishing, including board prep materials.
- Access to and opportunity to publish in the online Residents' Journal.
- Opportunities to join the Editorial Board of AJP— Residents' Journal, a forum for psychiatry residents and fellows to share ideas and experiences with colleagues.
- Subscriptions to online newsletters: Psychiatric News Update and Integrated Care Newsletter.
- The Supplemental Education and Training (SET) program is an online experience designed to help you build knowledge around the milestones to meet the requirements of the seven (ACGME) Core Competencies and helps you successfully transition to practice by preparing for the business side of medicine (over $500 value).
- Try the APA Learning Center free with the Members’ Course of the Month. Each month members have free access to an on-demand CME course on a popular topic.
Live Learning
- Save on registration to the APA Annual Meeting, the largest psychiatric meeting, and The Mental Health Services Conference (formerly IPS)
- Resident and medical student poster competition provides opportunities to share your research projects and practice experiments at the Annual Meeting.
- MindGames is APA's national residency team competition that challenges residents on patient care and medical knowledge.
Resources for Transitioning to Practice
- Indispensable practice management tools including Practice Management Help Line, Coding Services, and Practice Guidelines.
- Practice Management Handbook for Psychiatrists.
Career Development
- Access to programs, fellowships, scholarships, and other research funding opportunities.
- Online career search and recruitment through APA JobCentral.
- Building a Career in Psychiatry: a two-part guide to help you successfully prepare for the transition points. This resource includes:
- Part 1: Medical School and Residency
- Part 2: Transitioning to Practice
Additional Benefits
- Strong advocacy at the local, state, and national levels on mental health issues including parity, prescribing, and confidentiality. District branch membership focusing on issues specific to your local area.
- Leadership opportunities at APA.
- Mentoring networks and career development sessions at the Annual Meeting.
- Inclusion in the online membership directory.
- Networking and professional development opportunities through APA's social media presence on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter and through special APA listservs.
- Invaluable resources including Research in Residency and Coping with Patient Suicide.
Discounts & Services
Malpractice Insurance
APA-endorsed members only malpractice insurance program administered by American Professional Agency, Inc.
Travel Savings Center
Taking your hard-earned vacation is easy with so many great discounts on travel. With your exclusive APA membership, you can save on car rentals, hotels, trips, and more!
In today's world, it's more important than ever to make sure you and your family have great insurance coverage. As part of your APA member benefits, you have access to exclusive coverage on pet, long term care, and more!
- Auto and Home Insurance Program
- Nationwide Pet Insurance
- Long Term Care Resources
- Long Term Care Global
As a member of APA, your exclusive savings go beyond travel and insurance. We've partnered with some of today's best companies to provide you great discounts on goods and services.
- Office Depot/OfficeMax
- Prescription Savings Card
- Constant Contact Email Marketing
- LifeLock
- Lenovo
- Heartland
APA National Dues Rates for Resident-Fellow Members
First year APA dues are waived for Resident-Fellow Members (RFMs). After that, annual national dues for RFMs are only $111 for U.S. members and $69 for Canadian members.
Automatic Advancement to General Member: Resident-Fellow Members are automatically advanced to General Member (GM) status upon completion of psychiatry residency training. APA requires that members verify they meet the General Membership requirements by completing the GM Verification Form.