982 Results
APA/APAF SAMHSA Minority Fellows at the 2023 Annual Meeting
During APA’s Annual Meeting in San Francisco, APA/APAF’s SAMHSA Minority Fellowship Program (MFP) fellows had an opportunity to present their work during the 2nd Annual SAMHSA MFP Poster Session.
American Psychiatric Association Foundation and Friends of Virginia’s Central State Hospital Host Joint Reception; Discuss History of First State Mental Hospital for Black Americans
On Sept. 13, the American Psychiatric Association Foundation (APAF) and Friends of Virginia’s Central State Hospital brought together psychiatrists, families, historians, and administrators at a reception to mark their recent exhibit on the history and meaning of the hospital.
Older Americans Month: Highlighting Challenges and Opportunities
An estimated one in eight older adults had a mental illness and one in 11 had a substance use disorder in the past year according to a new report on mental health and substance use concerns among older adults (adults aged 60 or older).
Intersectionality and Crisis Intervention
Officer for Crisis Text Line. “We are losing children of color at rates that are epidemic,” says Shairi Turner, M.D., M.P.H., an internist and pediatrician with a background in trauma. She is Chief Health Officer for Crisis Text Line, a national non-profit providing 24/7 crisis counseling via text in both English and Spanish.
APA Foundation Recognizes Mental Health Organizations Serving Multicultural Communities
At the 2023 Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association in May, the APA Foundation (APAF) was proud to announce this year’s winners of the Awards for Advancing Minority Mental Health. Established in 2003, these awards are presented annually to recognize local organizations for innovative efforts to raise awareness of mental illness in underserved or minoritized communities. Past award winners have been honored for their work increasing access to mental health care, addressing cultural
Pets and Mental Health: Social Media Toolkit
In March, The American Psychiatric Association (APA) is focusing on promoting celebrating the mental health impact of our cats, dogs and other furry (and not furry) friends with #Paws4MentalHealth. During the month we are encouraging everyone to take a break, get up, stretch, and share a pic of their pet and how they positively impact their mental health
Understanding the Barriers to Coming Out for LGBTQ+ People of Color
Even as societal attitudes and laws have shifted, many queer people from minority communities still stay in the closet. Understanding the reasons why can help health professionals better serve this group, and everyone to better understand the challenges this community faces.
Mental Health Resources for the Latino Community
There are more than 60 million Hispanic/Latino individuals in the U.S., making up about 18% of the population. Latinos have experienced disproportionate economic, physical, and mental health impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Telemedicine and the Role of State Medical Boards
Telepsychiatry via interactive or synchronous video-conferencing, a form of telemedicine, is bound by a broad tapestry of laws and regulations across the United States.
Join Us in Baltimore Sept. 26-28 for the 2024 Mental Health Services Conference
Join us at the forefront of mental health advancement by securing your spot at the 2024 Mental Health Services Conference.
How Running and Resistance Training Can Help Depression and Anxiety
It is well-known that exercise or physical activity can help support mental health. It can help reduce symptoms, improve working memory and focus, and help prevent cognitive decline. New research points to specific significant benefits for treating depression and anxiety symptoms with running and resistance training. Resistance training, also called strength training or weight training, uses resistance to build muscle strength and anaerobic endurance.
October Issues of American Psychiatric Association Journals Cover Diabetes and Depression Connection; Schizophrenia Treatment; Mental Health of Community College Students and more
The October issues of two of the American Psychiatric Association journals, The American Journal of Psychiatry and Psychiatric Services are available online. The American Journal of Psychiatry is the most widely read psychiatric journal in the world. The October issue presents findings that extend and validate salient results from previous studies relevant to clinical psychiatry. Among the research featured: