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MindGames, APA@s national residency team competition, is a fun way for residents to test their knowledge on patient care, medical knowledge, and psychiatric history while earning bragging rights for their program.

Committee on Advocacy and Litigation Funding

The Committee on Advocacy and Litigation Funding has the responsibility of reviewing requests, usually from District Branches and State Associations, for financial support of projects involving legislation, litigation, and advocacy; of making recommendations regarding funding to the Board of Trustees; and of proposing coordinated activity by other APA components, District Branches, and State Associations.

Committee on Reimbursement for Psychiatric Care

The Committee on Reimbursement for Psychiatric Care is charged with advising and informing APA policy development and advocacy efforts regarding public and private sector reimbursement, with a particular focus on new payment models.

Committee on Innovation

The Committee on Innovation, established under The Council on Medical Education and Lifelong Learning, seeks to identify and promote the formation of novel ideas to transform mental health care.

Committee on Well-Being and Burnout

The Committee on Psychiatrist Well-being and Burnout will work through APA administration, and with Councils, Committees and other experts where needed. The Committee will coordinate its efforts with the work of allied organizations, including AMA, AAMC, ACGME and NAM, in addressing this problem.

Committee on Judicial Action

The function of the Committee on Judicial Action is to make recommendations to the Board of Trustees regarding appellate cases that the APA should participate as amicus or support DB/SA participation as amicus.

Committee on Mental Health IT

The Committee on Mental Health IT is charged with advising APA leadership and stakeholders, including developing educational tools and resources for members, on the technical, regulatory, and clinical landscape of asynchronous technology in the practice of psychiatry.

Committee on Practice Guidelines

The Committee on Practice Guidelines provides close oversight of various practice guideline related projects and is responsible for actualizing the work of the projects.

Committee on Psychiatric Dimensions of Disaster

The Committee on Psychiatric Dimensions of Disaster is charged to encourage greater visibility for psychiatry and psychiatrists in organized disaster relief efforts and support efforts that accomplish this goal.

Medical leadership for mind, brain and body.

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