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APA Praises House Passage of Mental Health Bills; Urges Senate to Follow Suit

The U.S. House of Representatives today passed a package of mental health-related legislation brought forth by the Energy and Commerce Committee. The package of bills, previously passed by the House in the 116th Congress, would help prevent suicide, expand diagnosis and treatment for substance use disorders, increase mental health screenings in the emergency room and overall, and support patients with mental health conditions and substance use disorders. The American Psychiatric Association (APA

Gambling Disorder Screening Day: What You Should Know

  • Addiction, Patients and Families

Over the past couple of years, there has been a tremendous increase in the availability and easy access to gambling, especially sports betting, across the country. It would have been hard to miss the recent barrage of advertising around sports betting. Online and mobile phone access also increases the potential for individuals to develop problems with gambling.

DSM-5 Online Assessment Measures

APA offers a number of online assessment measures which includes instructions, scoring information, and interpretation guidelines.

New Study Documents Increased Anxiety Among Black Emerging Adults from Exposure to Police Violence

Anxiety disorders are among the most prevalent disorders for Black emerging adults 18 to 29 years of age in America. Frequent exposure to police violence among Black emerging adults puts this population at risk for increased rates of anxiety disorders, according to a new study from researchers at Washington University in St. Louis and presented at the American Psychiatric Association’s Annual Meeting, held online.


Folleto: Datos de el trastorno del espectro autista (TEA) para pacientes y familias

Trastorno del espectro autista

El trastorno del espectro autista (TEA), o autismo, es una condición médica del desarrollo que involucra desafíos persistentes en la comunicación social, intereses restringidos y comportamientos repetitivos. Si bien el autismo se considera una condición de por vida, las necesidades de soportes y apoyo debido a estos desafíos varía entre las personas con autismo. El autismo no es lo mismo que tener una discapacidad de aprendizaje.


La depresión (también conocida como trastorno depresivo mayor) es una enfermedad común y grave que afecta negativamente la manera de pensar, sentirse y actuar de las personas.

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