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Telemedicine Synchronous Video-conferencing in Psychiatry

Synchronous video-conferencing in psychiatry began during the 1950s. Synchronous video-conferencing became increasingly common during the 1970s and 1980s. By the early 2000s, the Department of Veterans Affairs was building a national telemedicine program including video-conferencing.

Best Practices in Synchronous Videoconferencing-Based Telemental Health

This document represents an updated collaboration between the American Psychiatric Association (APA) and the American Telemedicine Association (ATA) to create a consolidated update of the previous APA and ATA official documents and resources in telemental health (TMH) to provide a single guide on clinical best practices for providing mental health services via synchronous videoconference.

Emotional Support Animals

This resource document provides an overview of the clinical, ethical, and legal considerations that a psychiatrist should consider when asked to write an emotional support animal (ESA) letter for a patient.

Psychiatrists' responses to requests for psychiatric information in federal personnel investigations

Psychiatrists routinely receive and respond to patient authorizations to release information to third parties. However, a security clearance-related request for information differs from an ordinary release of information generally encountered in clinical practice. An ordinary release specifies records, notes, admission or discharge summaries, or other information generated in the course of clinical care. Most often, the information is to be released to another provider or facility for use in a

Decisional Capacity Determinations in Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry: A Guide for the General Psychiatrist

Consultation-Liaison Psychiatrists are experienced in responding to requests from medical services for the determination of decisional capacity (DC). General psychiatrists are occasionally called upon to perform decisional capacity determinations, especially when functioning in a consultation-liaison role. Some may not have extensive prior or current experience in decisional capacity determinations. In recent years, there has been a significant amount of clinical research literature on DC, part

Digital Mental Health 101

This guide is an introduction to the broad considerations that should be understood by mental health professionals and patients alike when engaging with mobile health (mHealth) solutions.

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