999 Results
New Report: In Construction Industry, Concern for Mental Health Is High, But Willingness to Discuss Mental Health is Low
As the pandemic continues to impact the economy and mental health of many workers, construction experiences the second highest rate of suicide among major industries. A new survey of the construction workforce from the American Psychiatric Association (APA) Foundation’s Center for Workplace Mental Health, the Construction Financial Management Association, CSDZ and Holmes Murphy, calls attention to this issue and offers insights during Suicide Prevention Awareness Month.
June Issues of American Psychiatric Association Journals Cover Mental Health Disparities and Structural Racism and Collaborative Response to Behavioral Health Emergencies
The June issues of two of the American Psychiatric Association’s journals, The American Journal of Psychiatry and Psychiatric Services are available online.
What Are the Latest Scientific Trends in Psychiatry and How Will They Impact Care?
Scientific advancements and technology are giving psychiatrists increasing abilities to deliver treatments tailored to individual needs. Some of these include advancements in the areas of genetics, biomarkers and imaging.
Maintaining Mental Well-being: Exercise and Access to Outdoor Spaces
Recent research is supporting what many people reported during the stressful times of the pandemic: physical activity/exercise and access to parks and green spaces have a positive effect on mental health.
Among LGBTQ+ Adults, Mental Health Improves with Age
Many years of research have identified health and mental health disparities among LGBTQ+ individuals, showing they experience higher rates of mental health problems compared to the heterosexual, cisgender population. A recent APA national poll found that LGBTQ+ adults are more likely than adults overall to be anxious about a number of current issues, including gun violence, climate change and the future of reproductive rights. They are twice as likely (62% vs 31%) to be anxious about the future
The Mental Health Benefits of Simple Acts of Kindness
There are many reasons acts of kindness are good for the giver and the receiver. New research looks at the mental health benefits, finding that performing acts of kindness may help reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety.(1) “Acts of kindness” refer to benevolent and helpful actions intentionally directed towards another person, motivated by the desire to help another and not to gain reward or to avoid punishment
Top Executives from Sixteen Major Mental Health Organizations Applaud CDC for Adding Mental Illnesses to its List of Underlying Medical Conditions Associated with Higher Risk for Severe COVID-19
Top executives from sixteen of the nation’s leading mental health advocacy organizations applaud the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for adding mood disorders, including depression, and schizophrenia spectrum disorders to its list of underlying medical conditions associated with higher risk for severe COVID-19.
Better Together: Changing Public Health Outcomes in Virginia with the Co-Responder Model
The co-responder model is a recent innovation in behavioral health services that employs a mental health professional and a law enforcement official as dual first responders when an individual experiences a mental health crisis. The Marcus-David Peters Act (“Marcus Alert” or “MA”), signed into law in Virginia in late 2020, commemorates Marcus-David Peters, a young Black biology teacher in Richmond, VA, who was killed by police while undergoing a mental health crisis.
May Issues of APA Journals Cover Cognitive Impacts of Long-Term Cannabis Use and More
The May issues of two of the American Psychiatric Association’s journals, The American Journal of Psychiatry and Psychiatric Services are available online. Also available is the latest issue of Focus.
APA Offers Resources to Cope with COVID-19
The novel coronavirus (COVID-19), in addition to its physical health impacts on thousands of Americans, has disrupted the lives of millions more. Many now face uncertainty over their medical condition and that of their families, management of their daily lives, social isolation, financial stressors, and other issues. In the face of this pandemic and the turmoil it has caused, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) offers the following guidance for maintaining mental health and coping with st
American Psychiatric Association Announces Launch of PsychPRO 2.0 Mental Health Registry
The American Psychiatric Association (APA) announced today the launch of PsychPRO 2.0, a next-generation technology platform for the PsychPRO mental health registry offering enhanced options for engaging with patients, tracking outcomes, and streamlined data collection for quality reporting.
Mental Health Disparities: Barriers to Care and Resilience Among College Students of Color
Mental health concerns among college students have increased in recent years and students of color are less likely to access care. One factor that can contribute to mental health concerns and harm well-being is experiences of discrimination and racism.