796 Results
What APA is Doing for You: Protecting IMGs a Major Priority as COVID-19 Crisis Continues
As the public health crisis caused by the COVID-19 virus continues to tax health care resources and infrastructure, it is clear that we must use every resource at our disposal to effectively fight the spread of illness and ensure that our patients can access essential health services, including mental health care.
Mental Health Apps: Cautions for College Students
There are a slew of mobile apps available that are designed to promote mental wellness and target mental health conditions. Apps are available to help monitor or track symptoms, offer relaxation and mindfulness exercises, and deliver a secondary treatment in combination with a primary treatment. A new study in Psychiatric Services takes a critical look at app recommendations by colleges.
APA Statement on White House Action to Strengthen Mental Health Parity
The American Psychiatric Association applauds the Biden-Harris Administration for taking action to increase transparency and hold health plans accountable to the requirements of the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA).
Join a Fundraising Team for the 2023 MOORE Equity in Mental Health 5K
Each of the seven APA Minority and Underrepresented (M/UR) Caucuses has created a fundraising team and we encourage you to join the Caucuses and their efforts or create a team for your own District Branch.
APA/APAF Announce 2024 Awardees of MOORE Equity in Mental Health Community Grants Program
Today the American Psychiatric Association (APA) and the APA Foundation announced 10 new grantees in the Moore Equity in Mental Health Community Grants Program, for a total of $100,000 disbursed. Established in 2021, the grants support community organizations that have undertaken innovative awareness programs and/or have provided services to improve the mental health of young people of color.
Addressing Mental Health Disparities Facing African Americans: Free Online Educational Series from the American Psychiatric Association and the African American Behavioral Health Center of Excellence at Morehouse School of Medicine
Suicide is one of the leading causes of death in Black youth and, in recent years, rates of suicide for African American adolescents rose faster than those of their white peers. African American communities experience unequal access to high-quality, culturally competent mental health care. The American Psychiatric Association (APA) and Morehouse School of Medicine’s African American Behavioral Health Center of Excellence (AABH CoE) are offering an on-demand online learning series for mental heal
Youth Mental Health: Prevention, Support and Intervention
Adolescence can be a vulnerable time for mental health concerns. The COVID-19 pandemic and its economic consequences have had an impact on the mental health of people of all ages, including teens, with continued distance learning, isolation and limited sports and activities. However, proactive preventive interventions can make a difference.
Meet Dr. Peter Yellowlees of APA's Committee on Telepsychiatry
In this video, Dr. Steven Chan and Dr. Peter Yellowlees discuss asynchronous telepsychiatry, various clinical uses of telepsychiatry, and future trends in the field.
Meet Dr. Rustin Carter of APA's Committee on Telepsychiatry
In this second installment of APA’s Telepsychiatry Vlog, Dr. Steven Chan speaks with fellow committee member Dr. Rustin Dakota Carter, who provides an overview of how he uses telepsychiatry in his own practice.
For Women, Quitting Alcohol Can Lead to Improved Mental Well-Being
Completely abstaining from alcohol may be beneficial for mental well-being, especially for women, according to a new study in the Canadian Medical Association Journal. These benefits were seen in women who were lifetime abstainers and in women who quit drinking alcohol.
New APA Poll: Americans Who Engage in Creative Activities at Least Weekly Report Better Mental Health
About half (46%) of Americans use creative activities to relieve stress or anxiety, such as playing the piano, crocheting a blanket, dancing with friends or solving crossword puzzles. Americans who rate their mental health as very good or excellent tend to engage in creative activities more frequently than those who rate their mental health as fair or poor.
Mental Health on College Campuses: Multiracial and Asian Students May be at Higher Risk of Untreated Mental Illness
Mental health concerns among college students have increased in recent years—rates of depression, anxiety, substance use and suicidal behaviors have all increased. One in four college students had a psychiatric diagnosis in the past year, and racial-ethnic minority students maybe at high risk of undetected mental illnesses, according to new research published in Psychiatric Services.