990 Results
Team Sports May Help Build Resilience After Trauma
Traumatic and other negative experiences in childhood can have lasting effects, including increased chances of physical health issues and mental health problems such as depression and anxiety. A new study finds that among people who had adverse childhood experiences, participation in sports during adolescence is associated with better adult mental health
Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders
Learn about Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, including symptoms, risk factors, treatment options and answers to your questions.
Maintaining Mental Well-being: Exercise and Access to Outdoor Spaces
Recent research is supporting what many people reported during the stressful times of the pandemic: physical activity/exercise and access to parks and green spaces have a positive effect on mental health.
History of Telepsychiatry
Learn about the history of telepsychiatry in APA@s Telepsychiatry Toolkit.
New Research: Adherence to Mediterranean Diet and Reduced Risk of Late-Life Depression
Maintaining a Mediterranean-type diet may protect against symptoms of depression in later life, according to new research presented here at the American Psychiatric Association’s 2019 Annual Meeting.
Team-based Models of Care
Learn about child and adolescent telepsychiatry@s role in team-based models of care in APA@s Telepsychiatry Toolkit.
Learn more about treating LGBTQ patients experiencing stress and trauma related to changing political and social environments.
Alcohol Use Disorder
Alcohol use disorder (AUD) is when frequent or heavy alcohol drinking becomes difficult to control and leads to problems such as in relationships, work, school, family, or other areas. AUD is common and often goes untreated. There are treatments that work, including medication, therapies, and support/self-help groups.
The 4th Annual APA MOORE Equity in Mental Health Initiative
On June 14, APA got an early start with the Moore Equity Initiaitve by kicking off with the first roundtable, "Combating the Nationwide LGBTQI+ Youth Mental Health Crisis."
This World Mental Health Day, Think About How to Cope With Stress
Stress is ubiquitous, with a majority of people in the United States reporting moderate to severe stress. It is no surprise that managing stress is one of the six recognized pillars of lifestyle medicine.
New Research: E-Cigarette Content on Instagram Violates Policies, Is Marketed to Teens
New research presented today at the American Psychiatric Association’s Annual Meeting indicates that methods of advertising e-cigarettes on digital platforms are violating federal government and Instagram policies. The primary violations include omitting age-restricted content tags on Instagram and neglecting to address the addictive potential of e-cigarettes and other vaping products. Previous studies have found that exposure to e-cigarettes on social media is correlated with increased use.