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Federal Advocacy Conference

APA's Federal Advocacy Conference is a unique opportunity for psychiatrists to lobby members of Congress in our nation’s capital on the issues that affect mental health care.

Member Resources

APA has updated the following resources to help members with the 2021 updates to documentation and billing for outpatient E/M services.

Get in the Loop with APA

Welcome to your one-stop hub to stay in the loop with the American Psychiatric Association (APA)! Tailored specifically for Early Career Psychiatrists (ECPs), this space connects you to the resources you need to thrive—from professional development and leadership opportunities to advocacy and well-being support.


Conozca el estigma, prejuicio y discriminación contra las personas con una enfermedad mental.

Violencia de pareja

La violencia doméstica, que abarca la violencia de pareja*, se refiere al daño físico, sexual, financiero, emocional o psicológico ocasionado a una persona por una pareja o cónyuge actual o anterior. La violencia doméstica está relacionada con diversos efectos sobre la salud física y mental.

John Fryer Award

The John Fryer Award honors an individual whose work has contributed to the improvement of mental health of sexual minority communities.

Council on Quality Care

The Council on Research carries out activities to ensure that the substance and significance of research on mental health remain integral parts of APA mission and the national health agenda.

Medical leadership for mind, brain and body.

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