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Working With Residents

  • Working With Residents
  • Robert L. Caudill, M.D.
  • Telepsychiatry will be of increasing importance to future psychiatrists.
  • Residencies must prepare trainees to work in these environments.
  • Trainees typically value the experience highly and are often able to see a more varied patient population than they would normally encounter in their academic training environment.
  • Residents in training today will live to practice in her environment where telepsychiatry is as redundant a term as teleradiology.


  • Szeftel, Roxy, et al. "Training psychiatric residents and fellows in a telepsychiatry clinic: a supervision model." Academic Psychiatry 32.5 (2008): 393-399.
  • Shore, Jay H., et al. "A resident, rural telepsychiatry service: training and improving care for rural populations." Academic Psychiatry 35.4 (2011): 252.

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