992 Results
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Fellowship
Learn about the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Fellowship.
New Study Documents Increased Anxiety Among Black Emerging Adults from Exposure to Police Violence
Anxiety disorders are among the most prevalent disorders for Black emerging adults 18 to 29 years of age in America. Frequent exposure to police violence among Black emerging adults puts this population at risk for increased rates of anxiety disorders, according to a new study from researchers at Washington University in St. Louis and presented at the American Psychiatric Association’s Annual Meeting, held online.
Alcohol Use Disorder
Alcohol use disorder (AUD) is when frequent or heavy alcohol drinking becomes difficult to control and leads to problems such as in relationships, work, school, family, or other areas. AUD is common and often goes untreated. There are treatments that work, including medication, therapies, and support/self-help groups.
Councils and Committees
Learn more about the 14 councils and associated committees and caucuses established by the Board of Trustees.
Council on Advocacy and Government Relations
The Council on Advocacy and Government Relations advocates at the state and federal levels on all issues of importance to APA and the field of psychiatry.
Council on Communications
The Council on Communications collaborates with the Office of Communications and Public Affairs and other APA departments to guide and enhance APA’s many activities in the dynamic field of communications.
Council on Healthcare Systems and Financing
The Council on Healthcare Systems and Financing works to foster parity and nondiscriminatory mental health coverage.
Council on Medical Education and Lifelong Learning
The Council on Medical Education and Lifelong Learning monitors emerging issues and supports the development of resources and programs for psychiatric education in the U.S. at every level.