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81 Results

December 31, 2019

Complicated Grief: When Time Doesn’t Ease the Pain of Loss

  • Depression, Patients and Families

Everyone will experience loss of loved ones in their lives and grief is a natural response. It is also a very individual process. Anniversaries, holidays, and other milestones are often particularly difficult. As painful as the process of grief can be, with support of family and friends, most people go through it without needing the help of a mental health professional. However, some experience severe, prolonged and disabling grief symptoms, referred to as complicated grief.

December 20, 2019

Knowing about Mental Health Concerns of Friends and Family Members Reduces Stigma and Encourages People to Seek Help

  • Depression, Patients and Families

A new study highlights the value of people sharing their mental health problems and treatment with friends and family. When people know a friend or family member with a mental health illness, they are more likely to recognize and understand their own mental health issues and seek treatment, according to study from researchers from Palo Alto University in Palo Alto, California

November 26, 2019

Is Social Jet Lag Dragging You Down?

  • Depression, Patients and Families, Sleep Disorders

Social jet lag refers to the mismatch between a person’s internal clock and their daily schedules. For most people that means the difference in sleep schedules between weekdays (school or workdays) and weekends (non-workdays).

November 26, 2019

World AIDS Day

  • Depression, Patients and Families

World AIDS Day, Dec. 1, is a time to remember, to educate and to decrease stigma around HIV/AIDS. The theme of this year's World AIDS Day is "Communities Make the Difference," recognizing the essential role that communities have played supporting people living with HIV and advocating for better access to prevention and treatment. For people with HIV, it’s important to take care of both physical health and mental health. People with HIV have increased risk for mental health problems.

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