APA Blogs
30 Results
Updated Resource to Help Psychiatrists Plan for an Unexpected Practice Closure
- By APA Ethics Committee
At any stage of our careers, we psychiatrists are busy planning for the future. We all hope to practice as long as we want and to have retirements that proceed at our preferred pace. But as we make our plans, we need to acknowledge that the future doesn’t always go the way we expect. Life can intervene in unpredictable ways and make even the best laid plans go awry. Recognizing these possibilities is an important part of a psychiatrist’s responsibilities; doing so can greatly ease the turbulence when stormy conditions arise. To help in situations where a psychiatrist must unexpectedly close their practice, the APA Ethics Committee has recently updated a resource document that assists with planning in advance for such unanticipated and often difficult situations.
Supporting Mental Health Amid Global Conflict and Trauma
Anyone who follows current events will know that we are living in a time where traumatic and often violent incidents seem to be increasingly more common. Whether it is the fallout from a natural disaster, political strife, or military conflict, the mental health effects of these events can be long lasting and far reaching. One needs only to turn on the news to see a world that seems beset by sectarian violence and war. Political
Audaces Líderes: Hispanic Heritage Month and the Value of Culturally Competent Mental Health Care
- By Theresa Miskimen-Rivera, M.D., DLFAPA
When we see ourselves in our role models, it motivates us to believe in ourselves and to aim higher. During my residency, I was already actively involved in the American Psychiatric Association as a member in training, which provided me with the opportunity to meet Hispanic leaders in our organization. What impressed me most about them was that they each embodied a culture of service. Witnessing their impulse to serve others created a lasting impression and was a huge motivating factor in my decision to bring other, younger members into our growing community: in other words, to lift as I climbed. The champions of Hispanic heritage who paved the way for community representation in psychiatry are featured in a new APA Foundation Library and Archives exhibit, Audaces LĂderes: Hispanic Pioneers in American Psychiatry.
Introduction from APA’s CEO & Medical Director
APA CEO & Medical Director Marketa M. Wills, M.D., M.B.A. introduces herself to APA members and gives some insight into her first 90 days at APA.
Mental Health Equity Champion Spotlight: Lisa Fortuna
This quarter’s Mental Health Equity Champion is Lisa Fortuna, M.D., M.P.H., M.Div., professor and chair of the Department of Psychiatry and Neurosciences at the University of California Riverside School of Medicine.