APA Blogs
15 Results
November Is National Family Caregivers Month
Day in and day out, more than 4 million family caregivers in the U.S. provide care for adult family and friends with chronic illnesses or other needs for assistance. National Family Caregivers Month offers an opportunity to raise awareness of the issues; celebrate their efforts and increase support for family caregivers.
Older Americans Month: Highlighting Challenges and Opportunities
An estimated one in eight older adults had a mental illness and one in 11 had a substance use disorder in the past year according to a new report on mental health and substance use concerns among older adults (adults aged 60 or older).
What Is Mild Cognitive Impairment?
Mild cognitive impairment is a common condition in older adults, but a recent survey finds that a large majority of Americans know little or nothing about it.
How Dental Health and Mental Health Are Connected
While it may not be widely understood, there is a clear connection between a person’s dental health and their mental health. Numerous studies have identified associations between mental health and oral health(1), however, the interaction often does not get much attention, even among health care professionals.
A Few Phone Calls From Trained Volunteers Can Make a Difference for People with Depression
New research finds that volunteers who make a few empathetic phone calls can significantly improve others’ loneliness and depressive symptoms among adults. This type of program could help address the significant shortage of mental health professionals and improve mental healthcare, the study authors suggest.