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228 Results

July 08, 2020

Practicing Gratitude to Boost Mental Well-being

  • Patients and Families

Good mental health means emotional, social and psychological well-being, healthy relationships, effective functioning and productive activities, and an ability to adapt to change and cope with adversity. One approach that has been shown to foster mental well-being is focusing on gratitude. Many studies have found an association between being more grateful and a greater sense  of overall well-being.

July 02, 2020

Boosting the Immune System: An Added Benefit of Psychotherapy

  • Patients and Families

Psychotherapy and other psychosocial interventions can improve the function of a person’s immune system, according to a meta-analysis published in JAMA Psychiatry in June. Immune system strength may be particularly important in helping minimize the potential impact of coronavirus.

June 24, 2020

FDA Approves First Game-Based Therapy for ADHD

  • ADHD, Patients and Families

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) this month  approved a video game-based therapy for treatment of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This is the first game-based therapy, called a digital therapeutic device, approved by FDA for any type of condition.

June 17, 2020

Preventing Depression with an Online Self-help Program

  • Depression, Patients and Families

A new study published in JAMA Psychiatry in May finds that an online guided self-help program significantly reduced the risk of depression in a group of people at high risk for the mental disorder.

June 12, 2020

For Many, Returning to Work May Bring New Worries

  • Anxiety, Patients and Families

As restrictions guarding against COVID-19 infection are easing, and people begin getting back into the community and work, some people will be ready to go, others may be much more hesitant.

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