APA Blogs
382 Results
For Gen Z, A Sense of Purpose and Family Connection Contribute to Happiness
Much attention over the past few years has been paid to the challenges, struggles and anxieties of Generation Z (12- to 26-year-olds), but a few recent surveys and studies have focused more on what contributes to Gen Z happiness and life satisfaction.
Older Americans Month: Highlighting Challenges and Opportunities
An estimated one in eight older adults had a mental illness and one in 11 had a substance use disorder in the past year according to a new report on mental health and substance use concerns among older adults (adults aged 60 or older).
Updates in the Understanding of Autism
April is Autism Acceptance and Awareness Month, dedicated to raising awareness and promoting inclusion for individuals with autism. Once considered a rare condition, autism is now recognized as affecting 2% of the general population. Consequently, the needs of autistic individuals have become a focal point for health care professionals, especially given that those with autism experience psychiatric concerns at significantly higher rates than those without.
Mental Health Effects of the War in Palestine and Israel
- By APA Global Mental Health Caucus Work Group
The war in Palestine and Israel has destroyed and imperiled the lives and the mental and physical health of Palestinians, Israelis, and others in the region. We express deep compassion for all those who are suffering as well as alarm for the future psychological and behavioral consequences that will affect the people caught in this conflict. The magnitude of death, destruction, and violence threatens to destabilize the region and has sent shock waves around the world, affecting many of us in our own communities.
Alcohol Use Disorder: Social Media, Technology, and Treatment
While most can enjoy alcohol occasionally without problems, alcohol use disorder is common and often untreated. An estimated 11% of all adults and 15% of young adults (aged 18-25) had alcohol use disorder in the past year. Several recent studies highlight some challenges related to alcohol content on social media along with some promising approaches to treatment.