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APAPAC represents the profession of psychiatry and mental health care to the U.S. Congress. APAPAC is a non-partisan political action committee.

Action Paper Central

An action paper is the product of an idea. Assembly members, representing and informed by their constituency, the members of their district branch, actively formulate these ideas into actionable tasks that the Assembly can review, debate, and vote on.


Haga nuestro test para evaluar su conocimiento sobre signos, síntomas y efectos de la depresión perinatal y aprender más sobre esta enfermedad mental frecuente.

Committee on Reimbursement for Psychiatric Care

The Committee on Reimbursement for Psychiatric Care is charged with advising and informing APA policy development and advocacy efforts regarding public and private sector reimbursement, with a particular focus on new payment models.

Committee on Innovation

The Committee on Innovation, established under The Council on Medical Education and Lifelong Learning, seeks to identify and promote the formation of novel ideas to transform mental health care.

Ethics Committee

The Ethics Committee is responsible for several aspects of ethics procedures for APA members, District Branches, and more.

Standing Committees

Learn more about APA's Standing Committees and current committee members.

Medical leadership for mind, brain and body.

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