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357 Results

August 05, 2021

Participating in Social Groups to Help Manage Depression

  • Patients and Families

Participation in social groups may be an effective way to manage mild to moderate depression, according to a new study from researchers at The University of Queensland, Australia. It can be especially for useful for people seeking to stop using antidepressants, they note.

August 02, 2021

Heading Back to Campus: Returning to “Normal” in the Fall

  • By Meera Menon, M.D.

Since March 2020, there has been no such thing as a “typical” on-campus college experience. High school students fell in love with their chosen university not during a campus tour, but virtually. Orientation activities were scaled back. Students were not permitted to visit friends in other residence halls. They remained in their dorm rooms all day, taking courses virtually rather than filling vast lecture halls.

July 12, 2021

Honoring Chester Pierce with a New Human Rights Award; Your Opportunity to Participate in the Endowment Campaign

  • What APA is Doing For You

As members of the Chester Pierce Human Rights Award Campaign Workgroup, we invite you to join us in supporting the endowment of this award at a critical time in our nation’s history. Professor Chester M. Pierce, M.D., was a psychiatric physician, a Harvard gentleman, a scholar/athlete, the first African American president of his high school graduating class, a founder of Black Psychiatrists of America, and above all, a superb human being.

June 29, 2021

National 988 Crisis Line One Step in Improving Mental Health Crisis Services

  • Patients and Families, What APA is Doing For You

The number of people experiencing mental health crises is up—drug overdoses and suicides have overtaken traffic accidents as the two leading causes of death among young Americans ages 25-44. Unfortunately, individuals in crisis often do not receive appropriate and effective response and do not get the care and help they need.

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