APA Blogs
392 Results
Current Events on Americans Minds, Pre/Post 2024 Election
As part of its ongoing Healthy Minds Monthly series, the American Psychiatric Association fielded poll questions Nov. 16-17 on Americans’ anxiety regarding nine topics in current events, and compared those results to a prior poll fielded Aug. 16-17, 2024.
Misophonia: When Certain Sounds Trigger Emotional Distress
Misophonia is a chronic condition that involves people having distressing emotional reactions to specific sound triggers. Misophonia, literally meaning “hatred of sounds,” is also referred to as selective sound sensitivity syndrome.
What is Borderline Personality Disorder?
Personality refers to peoples’ thoughts and views on how they relate to their world, and how they relate to others. All people have personality traits that make them unique, such as “shy” or “outgoing” or “humble” or “self-assured.” A personality disorder, however, is deeper and more severe and can cause problems in how a person thinks and feels, which can impact their perceptions and interactions with others. People with personality disorders may not realize that they are thinking or acting in unhealthy ways and tend to be unwilling to change.
Supporting Mental Health Amid Global Conflict and Trauma
Anyone who follows current events will know that we are living in a time where traumatic and often violent incidents seem to be increasingly more common. Whether it is the fallout from a natural disaster, political strife, or military conflict, the mental health effects of these events can be long lasting and far reaching. One needs only to turn on the news to see a world that seems beset by sectarian violence and war. Political
Get Outside: The Many Ways Nature Can Boost Your Mental Well-Being
‘Go outside and get some fresh air’ has long been common advice for staying healthy. Although the calming, mood-boosting and inspirational effects of spending time in nature have long-been championed, recent research has strengthened the case in support of nature's therapeutic benefits.