APA Blogs
392 Results
November Is National Family Caregivers Month
Day in and day out, more than 4 million family caregivers in the U.S. provide care for adult family and friends with chronic illnesses or other needs for assistance. National Family Caregivers Month offers an opportunity to raise awareness of the issues; celebrate their efforts and increase support for family caregivers.
‘It’s only a Scratch!’ – Athletes and Injury Concealment
Just as this theatrical stubbornness of the Black Knight displays the downplaying of injury, so too can employees, patients, and athletes. Malingering is the fabrication or exaggeration of a symptom for “secondary gain.” When the opposite occurs, in the case of the Black Knight, for example, that can be referred to as “reverse malingering.”
Myths and Facts Concerning Abortions and Mental Health
The APA Council on Women’s Mental Health has put together a series of Myths and Facts everyone needs to know about abortion and mental health.
Mental Health Concerns in E-Sport Athletes: Lessons from a Legend
Lee Sang-Hyeok is probably the most famous e-sport athlete of all time. Better known as his gamer name “Faker,” he is the most dominant League of Legends player in history, with a total of four world championship titles. His incredible success can be attributed to not only his work ethic, but also the massive infrastructure in place around him, including an enormous training center built in Seoul, Korea by his team T1 Esports. Even with access to some of the best resources the industry has to offer, Faker has struggled with mental health as seen in video blogs with a sports psychologist produced by the T1 Esports team.
This World Mental Health Day, Think About How to Cope With Stress
- By Ramaswamy Viswanathan, M.D., Dr.Med.Sc.
Stress is ubiquitous, with a majority of people in the United States reporting moderate to severe stress. It is no surprise that managing stress is one of the six recognized pillars of lifestyle medicine.