APA Blogs
389 Results
How Do We Cope with Loneliness?
With about 33% 0f people saying they report feeling lonely once a week or more, a new APA Healthy Minds survey looks at how people are coping. According to the poll, men and women and older and younger adults are using different strategies to deal with these feelings. Overall, younger adults are more likely to feel lonely than older adults. For example, 43% of young adults aged 18 to 34 feel lonely at least once a week compared to only 17% of adults 65 and older
For Most, Things Do Indeed Look Brighter in the Morning
A new study examined how people’s mental health and well-being varies by time of day, day of the week, and season. They found people generally have the best mood in the morning and the lowest point at midnight. Seasonally, people tend to feel lowest in winter and best in summer.
Mindfulness in Psychiatry: A Bridge to Wellbeing for Diverse Populations
“Your breath is a tool that you have with you at all times, anywhere you go, always readily available.” Lisa Fortuna, M.D., M.P.H., MDiv, shared this insight on the therapeutic potential of the breath during the American Psychiatric Association’s virtual panel discussion “Meditation and Mindfulness: A Cultural Bridge to Mental Wellbeing.”
ADHD in Adults: New Research Highlights Trends and Challenges
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is often considered a condition of children and youth, but also impacts many adults. New research is highlighting a number of issues relating to adults with ADHD, including trends in diagnoses, the extent of underdiagnoses and differing experiences among women with ADHD.
Preventing Burnout: A Guide to Protecting Your Well-Being
Burnout—it's a term we hear often, but we don't always recognize it creeping up on us until it's too late. Whether it's from work, personal life, or the weight of unmet expectations, burnout is a significant challenge in today's fast-paced, performance-driven world. We live in a culture of "upward comparisons," constantly measuring ourselves against those further along than us, which can leave us feeling inadequate. Or, we get buried under a growing workload with little institutional support.